
Don Lemon Slammed For Sexism After Saying Women Are Past Their Prime After Their 40s



On Thursday’s episode of CNN This Morning, Don Lemon said that a woman’s prime is in her 20s, 30s, and 40s, which did not go over well with his female cohosts and many viewers who have called the host ‘sexist’ and ‘misogynistic’ for the remarks.

The comment was during a discussion about newly-announced presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Lemon said Haley should be careful saying politicians are no longer in their prime since, according to the CNN host, neither is Haley.

Lemon cited a Google search as his source for the claim, advising his appalled cohosts to look it up for themselves as they questioned how he was defining age, asking whether he meant for fertility or for a presidency. Lemon did not answer clearly.

Watch the awkward interaction for yourself:



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