
Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels Bails on Senate Run



Establishment Republicans were dealt a massive blow today after former Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels announced he won’t be running for the state’s Senate seat. This is the seat that is being vacated by the upcoming retirement of Senator Mike Braun.

“After what I hope was adequate reflection, I’ve decided not to become a candidate for the U.S. Senate. With full credit and respect for the institution and those serving in it, I conclude that it’s just not the job for me, not the town for me, and not the life I want to live at this point,” Daniels said in a lengthy statement.

This comes after weeks of hype around announced candidate Representative Jim Banks (R-IN), who has already received endorsements from Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), Marco Rubio (R-FL), J.D. Vance (R-OH), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), commentator Mark Levin, and student activist group Turning Point Action.


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