
House Kills CDC Rule Requiring Foreign Travelers to Have the Vaccine to Enter the US



The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to end the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) rule requiring foreign travelers entering the U.S. to be vaccinated for COVID.

The bill passed the House in a 227-201 vote, a vote that saw 7 Democrats voting with Republicans to kill the CDC rule.

Fox News reports:

“During debate, Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., said there’s no logical reason for maintaining the vaccination requirement given the number of illegal immigrants pouring over the border.

“What’s the logic of having a vaccine mandate on legal international travelers but not on the millions of people who are pouring across our border? Where’s the logic in that?” he asked.


“You want a list of countries that don’t have this mandate? Australia, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Germany, France, Ukraine,” Massie said. “Dictatorships have already gotten rid of this vaccinate mandate. Russia, Syria, China, Cuba even doesn’t have this draconian, xenophobic measure at the border.”

He added that as long as the requirement remains in place, the Biden administration is falling far short of the president’s own assessment that COVID is no longer the threat it posed in 2020 and 2021.”


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