Beard Meats Food v. An Impossible Spicy Ramen Challenge

It’s beyond rare that Adam, aka Beard Meats Food loses a challenge, but this one was just impossible to beat.
He was given 8 minutes to take on a 3 lb. bowl of ramen in the Shokku Ramen’s ‘Shinigami Challenge’ that was also about 4 million scovilles in spice.
The Nashville, TN based challenge was described by Adam on his YouTube channel as follows:
“Shokku Ramen’s ‘Shinigami Challenge’ consists of one huge bowl of ramen noodles, topped with fried chicken, char sui pork, eggs and a bunch of other toppings. If it wasn’t tough enough to finish all that inside eight minutes already, then dousing it all in broth measuring 4,000,000 SHU should do it. Fail and it costs $50. Win and you get the meal free and a spot on their ‘Wall of Warriors’.”
This was painful to watch – and we’re not sure why anyone would even bother to attempt it.
Even if you can finish the ramen, it’s the spice that could literally feel like it’s killing you – to the point that you have to sign a waver to even attempt the challenge.
Watch below and tell us what you think about it in the comments. Do you think it was fair?