Fashion Designer Claims Sam Brinton Wore Her Stolen Clothing That Disappeared From Airport

It really is starting to feel like we live in a simulation because there re way too many batshit news stories that come out each day. Such as a new claim from a female fashion designer that she caught ex-Biden Administration official Sam Brinton wearing clothes that were lost in a stolen bag at the airport back in 2018.
Yes, seriously.
Sam Brinton, the first ever “non-binary” White House official, was fired due to multiple charges of luggage theft.
Now, a tweet from the fashion designer states that she believes she was also a victim of Brinton’s grabby hands.
She tweeted: “My name is Asyakhamsin tanzanian fashion designer based in houston Texas USA. I lost my bag 2018 in DCA recently I heard the news on @FoxNews about@sambrinton luggage issue surprisingly I found his images wore my custom made outfitswhich was in the lost bag on 2018″
While the legitimacy of the claim remains unknown, they are quite believable, given how strange and outlandish the entire Sam Brinton situation is.