Fashion Fail: What Is Happening With These Chinese Denim Thong Shorts

At the risk of sounding super lame and out of touch with my generation, I will admit that I do not understand most of today’s fashion trends. I do not agree that we have to bring back hideous clothing just because it brings some manufactured-nostalgia for decades that G-Zers didn’t even live through.
However, I came across an item of clothing from popular Chinese retail company Shein that may take the cake for the worst article of clothing I’ve ever seen.
Im honestly confused on whether these are supposed to be shorts or a thong. They’re labeled shorts in my life but I’ve seen enough thongs in my life to not trust that description.
The “shorts” come in 4 different colors and are available in sizes Small-Extra Large.
Despite their extreme lack of fabric, the “shorts” have received positive ratings from Shein buyers.
One user left a review saying the shorts were great for her poll dancing class. Which actually helped me have some clarity into what these are made for.

Check them out for yourself here (but if you decide to waste your money on them, please do us all a favor and don’t ever wear them in public.)