Business & Tech
Fortnite: A Great Family Experience

Written by contributor – Tommy Pokemon.
My latest obsession, and I drift from one to another since retirement – FORTNITE! About 3 or 4 years ago I was teaching 4th grade catechism once a week – and during our annual class Christmas party the kids started teaching me, “Mr. Tom” Fortnite emote dances.
We had a great time and the kids got a kick out of me trying to dance. Not only can white men NOT dance… we also can’t emote! That’s when I began to ask my son, “what is this Fortnite I keep hearing about?”
Both my sons and I have always shared a love for gaming – and spent many a day and dollar at GameStop. He explained the game of Fortnite to me then adds that he’s trying to compete, but these very young kids, who spent years on Minecraft are kicking everyone’s butt!
Fortnite is a game the requires building and shooting – and if you are good at building you have an advantage. Minecraft, which was building-centric, was popular with the very young, so when Fortnite came along they were ready and trained for the game.
Another disadvantage is not having a keyboard, so those who play the game on PlayStation and Xbox start from behind. The added buttons on keyboards makes building and shooting something that can be done simultaneously.
So a few years go by, and I didn’t give Fortnite a second thought. Then it happened! After completing the latest Pokémon game on my Nintendo Switch my son says “Dad why don’t you download Fortnite?” Turns out the past 4 year’s my namesake, and first born, had become a Fortnite Master! I was immediately hooked and have been playing daily – about 2hrs a day – I LOVE THIS GAME!
Why do I love Fortnite? If it’s free its for me! It’s FREE! And it’s FUN!
It’s also constantly UPDATED! Plus they added a no build mode for us older gamers.
The graphics are outstanding, the game flows smoothly, and the amount of different tasks and quests will keep serious gamers busy everyday.
You want to hop on a motorcycle and earn points by jumping off ramps? It’s there.
Grab a boat off the dock and level a city! Add a cow catcher to a truck and go WILD! But best of all… You want to buddy up with a bunch of friends and compete together win a crown, it’s in there!
After playing a few rounds with my son as a duo (it’s almost unfair at how skilled he became) he ends each night after we play with, “Love You Dad, see you tomorrow.” But most of all, and dearest to my heart is when I play with my 6 year old granddaughter. We have so much fun! Hearing her voice and laughing over live chat is priceless. It’s as if she lives with me. When she gets in trouble during the game and I get to run and save her, the laughs we have are endless.
I will take those memories with me to heaven. Thank you Fortnite for connecting me closer to my family.