Randy Santel Takes on the 8-Patty “Aloha” Hawaiian Cheeseburger Challenge

Food Challenge Champion Randy “Atlas” Santel showed up in beautiful Waikiki, Hawaii on a mission, and that mission was to take out all potential food challenges.
In his journey, he took on the 8-Patty “Aloha” Hawaiian Cheeseburger Challenge, which Santel desribes as:
“I had 1 hour to feast on 8 of their 1/3 pound beef burgers, each stacked and layered with a different set of toppings. It was basically one of each of the 8 burgers from their menu, all with one set of buns on top and bottom. The burger was surrounded by a basket of fries and challengers must also finish a large 20 ounce vanilla milkshake. I had 1 hour to finish everything, but was trying to break my own time record for the overall challenge, which was 16:36. I was trying to win my $70 Hawaiian hamburger meal free plus a sweet t-shirt and spot on their Waikiki Food Hall Co location’s Wall of Fame. BIG thanks to everyone with Honolulu Burger Co for the wonderful burgers, drinks, milkshake, and hospitality!!”
Will he win another challenge? Tune in here to find out: