Review: 1792 Full Proof

We think 1792 Full Proof is a bit on the spicy side when it comes to its alcohol content – in fact, our editor once bought a barrel pick of it and he said it was “undrinkable.”
According to 1792’s official website, their full proof is “Limited Edition”. …they describe the bourbon by stating:
“Bourbon insiders have long acknowledged that full proof bourbon has a distinguished and rich flavor. This bourbon underwent a distinct filtering process,forgoing the typical chill filtration and passing only through a plate and frame filter. This allowed the bourbon to maintain a robust proof for bottling, as well as a full, rich and bold flavor. Bottled at its original 125 barrel entry proof, just as it was years ago when the barrels were first filled, 1792 Full Proof Bourbon is exceptionally distinct.”
YouTube creator, Brewzle has compiled an incredible history of the product as well as a review that comes out a little bit more positively than our own – watch it, then go try to find a bottle and see whose side you come out on.