Review: Foundation Highclere Castle Senetjer

Master Your Ash reviews the Foundation Highclere Castle Senetjer in his latest episode.
According to their official site, Highclere castle senetjer:
“The Highclere Castle Senetjer was aptly named Senetjer, the ancient Egyptian word for “incense,” translating directly as “of the gods.” The Senetjer presentation box is a replica of the storage boxes discovered within Tutankhamun’s tomb to bring his worldly treasures to the afterlife. The custom-designed scarab representing the Egyptian god, Khepri was the symbol of rebirth. This scarab incorporates the equivalent of a modern-day monogram representing the name Tutankhamun.
“This year, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of my Great Grandfather, the 5th Earl of Carnarvon’s extraordinary discovery of the Pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb in November 1922. To celebrate the centenary of this amazing find, we have created the Senejter blend, which is a homage to the cigars enjoyed by my family in the roaring twenties.” George Herbert, 8th Earl of Carnarvon Highclere Castle Cigar co-founder Adam von Gootkin hired famous Egyptian archaeologists Colleen & John Darnell to advise on the project. “As a result, we have translated the Highclere Castle name into ancient hieroglyphics as presented on the box facing. The hieroglyphs express the exact translation of Highclere Castle into 3,000-year-old Egyptian as follows: “The Great Domain; she who is high, she who is bright, she who is clear.” Says Von Gootkin.
Nicholas Melillo of Foundation Cigar Company masterfully crafted the Senejter blend for Highclere Castle. This cigar measures 6 3/4 x 52 and is a perfecto shape, uniquely packaged in 12-count boxes. “When you open this box, you will see “wonderful things.” Says Melillo. The cigar incorporates a 7th priming Habano Ecuador wrapper with a Brazilian Mata Fina binder. The filler tobaccos were specially selected and aged 3yrs from unique lots especially for this blend.
Learn more about the Highclere Castle Senetjer and their inspiration from their video here!