VICE Reports That ’69 Isn’t Funny Anymore,’ in Response to Elon Musk

A Senior Staff Writer of popular publication VICE published an article titled ‘Sorry, But 69 Isn’t Funny Anymore.’
Yes, that is the state of journalism these days.
The piece was written by Katie Way who covered the topic in an attempt to own Elon Musk (???).
In the article, Way writes:
Every day I go on the internet to look at things that make me pissed off—it’s a calling! Rarely, though, do I see anything that inspires as much full-body disgust as this sick, profane little missive I saw on Sunday. Behold:
She continued on a strange rant about 69 jokes, Elon Musk, and just men in general.
The demise of 69 is partially thanks to guys like Elon Musk, a man who caters to the lowest common meme-ominator to paper over the fact that he’s an asinine “ideas” tech guy at best and someone who deserves the nickname “Apartheid Clyde” at worst. He is precisely the kind of person 69 belongs to now, the gleaming figurehead of a legion of crypto fanboys and Gen Xers whose dating app age range settings happen to dip down into the early 20s. 69 is “cheugy” for the Rick and Morty set.
She then went on to feature screenshots of multiple 69 jokes made by Musk on Twitter.
Although she claims that she does “not have a problem with vulgar, internetty humor,” i beg to differ. At leasy, vulgar internetty humor from people she disagrees with politically. Because lets be honest, this is much less about 69 jokes and much more about Elon Musk hatred.