YouTube Restoration Videos Aren’t So Honest
At some point in your life, you’ve probably watched a restoration video on YouTube. They’re so rewarding to see – as a creator will clean up a rusty old item and make it look better than brand new – but are they real?
YouTube channel Internet Anarchist recently took the time to inspect many of these restoration videos and determined that they are, in fact, completely fake. In most instances, according to their research, creators will artificially age or distort brand new items with paint or other methods so that they can be easily “restored” to look shiny and new.
This is just another type of fraud on the internet – but what’s up for debate is if it’s completely harmless or not. Just remember when you’re watching these videos, that ultimately, it’s all about entertainment – even if they’re not at all honest – if you enjoy them, that’s what really matters.
Watch this intriguing video below and tell us what you think about it in the comments!